מסע אקספו יצא לדרכו בפעם השנייה! יזמה ברוכה שהעלינו בשנה שעברה והצליחה והשנה שיפרנו. עדיין יש המון לקחים ללמוד אך בסה"כ חשיפה מאוד נקודתית לכלל הפוטנציאל המשתתפים במסע מדרא"פ!
בסה"כ ראינו וחשפנו את מסע בפני לעמלה מ- 400 בני נוער (כמעט 100% משכבת הגיל).
הפרוקיט הוא שלב בתוכנית השיווק לאותם בני נוער ומגיע אחרי יציאה ל"שורשים", "הדרכה צעירה" וישראל אנקוונטר וכן אחרי שבוע רנקוונטר בבתי הספר.
השלב האחרון בחשיפה הוא הפגישה עם בני הנוער במאי- ב- Career Evening
עלויות: כמעט כלום...
להלן הסיכום של יוהנסבורג:
Masa expo took place in JHB on 3.3.2008-5.3.2008 and in CT on the 6.3.2008.
The aim was to Market the Masa programs to the matrics students.
IDC: Herzliya international school: Stephanie Miller – head of delegation
Ilan Glasser, Lara Greenberg
IBC: Israel By Choice- Mimi Lax:
Youth movements: HaBonim and Bnei akiva
Machal and Marva: Adam Charnas
Midreshet Berot Bat Aiyn: Dov Vainstein
Partnership 2000: JHB: Eli Romano
Activities in JHB:
Israel Encounter Reunion: Israel centre has invited the participants of the Israel encounter 2008 to a reunion on the 3.3.2008 night. About 60 students and 10 parents have arrived. The representatives had a stand and they talked for few minutes about their program.
Masa expo in KDL: the expo has been in 2 sessions, in order to have a relatively small group and therefore to reach the students better. The first session was one hour of lecture and 20 of break- were the representatives had a stand and talked personally with the students. One lesson was too short and at break it was difficult to get the students to the mini hall. The second session was better as we had 2 lessons for lectures. The youth movements had a chance to speak as well. During the second lesson we took the students to the mini hall to meet personally with the representatives. More came on the second session. We have seen about 180 students.
Masa expo in KDVP: there was an hour lecture and a “conference” during break. We saw about 60 students. During break only the students who were interested came. At this specific school I talked with many students who wanted to do army service.
Masa expo in Crawford Sandton: We had a lecture only, since during break all the students went home. We saw 30 students.
Midreshet Be’erot Bat Ayin- It was their first exposure to the South Africans. A lot of marketing was done besides Masa. Dov feels it was a successful journey. He met 2 serious candidates in CT. In JHB there was few people who where interested in the secular schools. He feels his target market is the religious schools, rabanim, teachers and parents more than the students them selves. His complaint was regarding times. He feels that we should be stricter regarding times of lectures.
Recommendations for next year:
Preparation needs to start 5 months before.
The youth movements can participate only in their stands, without giving a presentation.
Two lessons are much more effective as during break we will not see all the students.
Machal and Marva must be present.
A technology person needs to escort the expo at any time, and make sure all the equipment works.
The midrashot and Yeshivot doesn’t interest the students. In case there are many representatives we can leave these programs.
All Israeli participants need to sleep in one place or meet at BEYACHAD, to prevent a huge waist of time.
Conclusion meeting must be at the schedule.
Car rental must be more organized
Flights to CT need to be booked together for all.
Getting into the religious schools must be done by the deferent programs independently.
During the Reunion the representatives shouldn’t have spoke. It didn’t interest the students.
We need to think about more giveaways.
הפרוקיט הוא שלב בתוכנית השיווק לאותם בני נוער ומגיע אחרי יציאה ל"שורשים", "הדרכה צעירה" וישראל אנקוונטר וכן אחרי שבוע רנקוונטר בבתי הספר.
השלב האחרון בחשיפה הוא הפגישה עם בני הנוער במאי- ב- Career Evening
עלויות: כמעט כלום...
להלן הסיכום של יוהנסבורג:
Masa expo took place in JHB on 3.3.2008-5.3.2008 and in CT on the 6.3.2008.
The aim was to Market the Masa programs to the matrics students.
IDC: Herzliya international school: Stephanie Miller – head of delegation
Ilan Glasser, Lara Greenberg
IBC: Israel By Choice- Mimi Lax:
Youth movements: HaBonim and Bnei akiva
Machal and Marva: Adam Charnas
Midreshet Berot Bat Aiyn: Dov Vainstein
Partnership 2000: JHB: Eli Romano
Activities in JHB:
Israel Encounter Reunion: Israel centre has invited the participants of the Israel encounter 2008 to a reunion on the 3.3.2008 night. About 60 students and 10 parents have arrived. The representatives had a stand and they talked for few minutes about their program.
Masa expo in KDL: the expo has been in 2 sessions, in order to have a relatively small group and therefore to reach the students better. The first session was one hour of lecture and 20 of break- were the representatives had a stand and talked personally with the students. One lesson was too short and at break it was difficult to get the students to the mini hall. The second session was better as we had 2 lessons for lectures. The youth movements had a chance to speak as well. During the second lesson we took the students to the mini hall to meet personally with the representatives. More came on the second session. We have seen about 180 students.
Masa expo in KDVP: there was an hour lecture and a “conference” during break. We saw about 60 students. During break only the students who were interested came. At this specific school I talked with many students who wanted to do army service.
Masa expo in Crawford Sandton: We had a lecture only, since during break all the students went home. We saw 30 students.
Midreshet Be’erot Bat Ayin- It was their first exposure to the South Africans. A lot of marketing was done besides Masa. Dov feels it was a successful journey. He met 2 serious candidates in CT. In JHB there was few people who where interested in the secular schools. He feels his target market is the religious schools, rabanim, teachers and parents more than the students them selves. His complaint was regarding times. He feels that we should be stricter regarding times of lectures.
Recommendations for next year:
Preparation needs to start 5 months before.
The youth movements can participate only in their stands, without giving a presentation.
Two lessons are much more effective as during break we will not see all the students.
Machal and Marva must be present.
A technology person needs to escort the expo at any time, and make sure all the equipment works.
The midrashot and Yeshivot doesn’t interest the students. In case there are many representatives we can leave these programs.
All Israeli participants need to sleep in one place or meet at BEYACHAD, to prevent a huge waist of time.
Conclusion meeting must be at the schedule.
Car rental must be more organized
Flights to CT need to be booked together for all.
Getting into the religious schools must be done by the deferent programs independently.
During the Reunion the representatives shouldn’t have spoke. It didn’t interest the students.
We need to think about more giveaways.
Ofer Dahan
World Zionist Organization
Jewish Agency for Israel
Director of Israel Centre
E mail: ofer@beyachad.co.za offerd@jafi.org
World Zionist Organization
Jewish Agency for Israel
Director of Israel Centre
E mail: ofer@beyachad.co.za offerd@jafi.org